What could go wrong?

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I'm going to try and get this blog up to date. If I continue elaborating on past events, I'm going to be endlessly writing in the past. I need to get it to the present. So what I'm going to do is summarize the important events that have basically led to the current time-frame.

On September 2nd, My Mom, Dad, and I left Birmingham for London very early in order to catch the afternoon flight to Rome.

I left an AMAZINGLY creative farewell message to Dora Road:

We made it to London relatively early and boarded the British Airways flight to Rome right on time.

Here are a few caps I grabbed with my iPhone during the flight:

After we landed we took a shuttle from the Leonardo Da Vinci airport to the Roma Termini. From there, we boarded an evening train to our final destination, Florence.

We got into Florence very late that night...

Since my Mom and Dad were returning to England on Monday, we spent the whole weekend doing many eventful things in Florence.

Here are some of the highlights:

I showed my Mom and Dad around the school where I'm going to be studying for semester:

Here's my Mom, as a very excited student:

We took a couple more just outside the school on the ancient streets:

We also explored the Gallerie dell' Accademia, one of the finest galleries in all of Italy. It houses the famous sculpture of David by Michelangelo. Although photos were strictly forbidden in the gallery, I was able to use my handy iPhone to grab this incredible shot:

Who really is the Goliath?

We had a very authentic Italian dinner outside the famed Palazzo Vecchio:

My Dad opted for the shrimp pizzeria:

I went with a classic Italian Spaghetti dish:

While my Mom decided on the salad and mozzarella pizzeria:

We also visited the timeless Basilica del' Duomo:

And here are some other outstanding photos, as we took in the Florentine city:

All in all, it was a fantastic weekend, but like all good things it came to an end. My parents traveled to Rome for a couple days after leaving Florence and flew back to England on Monday, this past week.

I've officially been living in Florence for a little over a week now and already find it to be life changing experience. It really is a lot to take in.

Very anxious, yet excited to what this semester brings. I hope you'll accompany me.

(Deep breath) Here it goes!

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