What could go wrong?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore PART Two

Locked, stocked, and ready to go, I traveled to the Basilica di Santa Maria on an early Saturday afternoon.

I was presented with a moderate line that moved relatively quickly:

After I actually got into the Basilica and paid the entry fee, I took a deep breath and began the long ascent.

I was presented with this sign very early on:

Don't you love how everyone obeys the rules...

I journeyed up the 400+ steps for quite a while, seeing only this every time I turned the bend:

The damn thing would never end.

Finally I began to see some light up ahead. Yes I had made it to the top...Finally....


I came upon a room with marble statues of past archbishops. While I was impressed with the work, I felt oddly tricked.

So I continued to climb.

And climb some more...

Finally I arrived to an opening which led to a balcony which gave an impeccable up-close view of the frescos I previously seen from afar.

The intimate perspective was stupendous. Intricate details blossomed while celestial sunlight seeped through the stained glass.

They were giants. For frescos as aged as these, the colors were surprisingly rich and full of depth. I guess this is also attributed to the extensive restoration work that must have gone into the reconstruction.

But, the amount of time and focus spent, not only painting but constructing such a dome, must be have been unfathomable.

I'm also very much afraid of heights, so looking down from a steep position had me in a very nervous and shaky state.

After such a literally encompassing experience (the painting is all around you). I continued on to the top.

The stairs got much steeper and narrower as I made my ascent. It also didn't help that people were coming down as I was going up.

Finally, after crawling, scraping, and pushing my way through, I reached the final flight of stairs which lead to the tip of the dome.

Breathtaking is all I can say.

Rather than me just describe how intoxicating the experience was, I'll let technology do all the work:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Good luck trying to get a view like that from the ground.

Florence was finally put into perspective after viewing it from such a vista. Truly astounding and utterly invigorating. The magic of Florence really came together during these moments.

After spending about a good 20 minutes just taking in the grandeur of it all, I began my descent.

With a million people trying to climb, crawling down was just as tight and narrow as my ascent.

About half-way through my journey down, I was presented an open area. The room housed some of the authentic tools and machines used to make the speculator Duomo.

While alone in the room, a sudden urge struck me.

Lured by temptation and the ability to make myself immortal, the fire to write my name on the wall washed over me.

Unable to hold back such instincts, I immortalized myself into the ethereal walls of the Basilica.

Shush, don't tell anyone...

After such a devilish spasm, I drifted back into my normal, angelic self and continued on my descent.

I was welcomed by stairs, stairs, and more stairs:

I also ran into this sign again:

I felt very guilty...

After what seemed like an ungodly amount of stairs, I finally reached ground zero.

Here's one more shot I took before leaving:

Sooo, after completing such an amazing accomplishment, I treated myself to this as a reward:

Jealous, are we?

Next on the list, this bad boy:

I'm not even going to think how many stairs this one has.

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