What could go wrong?

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I was finally able to get my bus pass today and explore more than just the local area.

Made my first excursion to the popular city center of Birmingham. Like always, it was packed and full madness.

Went down to the always reliable Forbidden Planet and picked up a couple of very irresistible Simon Bisely comics.

Afterwards, we strolled through the center where I got myself reacquainted with the expansive area.

Here are a few snapshots I grabbed as we went through:

The famous British police were also in attendance (with their batons), regulating as much as they could on the busy streets:

We also caught the home stadium of local football club, FC Birmingham, on the way back:

As we got off the bus, we began our walk back home. As we turned the corner, I noticed a very familiar bag in the distance being carried towards us. To say the bag was eye-catching would a huge understatement. Just see for yourself:

The carrier turned out to be my Mom, marching forward. She was on the way to pick up her own bus pass and take in the local sights for herself.

All in all, it was a fun day but nothing to exhausting. Hopefully, I'm going to try and kick it up a notch from here on out and fully take use of the time spent in the second biggest city in England.

1 comment:

  1. COOOOOLL post. Nice PICS! Post some VIDEO! OH YEAH! Viva La Bisley!

    -Angeleous OUT!
