What could go wrong?

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Went and saw INCEPTION at the IMAX with my Mom today. The experience was nothing short of spectacular. I mean the film was already brilliant in 35mm, but watching it in 70mm was just plain INSANE.

The gigantic IMAX itself where we saw the film, is housed inside a huge complex called the Millennium Point. It's filled with all sorts of science museums, space exhibitions, and robotic showcases. Basically, a blueprint of how technology is going to take over the world.

Here's a couple of shots of how the exterior looks:

Inside, they were also advertising the upcoming September re-release of AVATAR to the IMAX:

As if it didn't make enough money the first time around...But wait, there's a WHOLE 8 more minutes added back into the film?

Sign me up!

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