What could go wrong?

Monday, August 23, 2010


This entry is going to be much shorter and far less detailed than usual. The reason for this is because I'm trying to get this post out ASAP, intact with all the anticipated information. But hey, its filled content wise!

Today, at 9:20 in the morning, my auntie gave birth to baby girl! Weighing in a ridiculously light 7 lbs, she truly was a sight to behold. Although, she was subtly napping when we arrived, she did arise from her slumber and treat us with some live action movement near the end.

Here are some quick shots I took before the nurses jumped me:

I was also able to record some valuable footage along the way. Below the break are the downloadable links:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Wickedly Cool, right?

More details to come on this expansive day...


  1. Very nice. A new recruit to the Blood Raven Chapter! Let the indoctrination begin! Long Live the Imperium!

    Avitus out.

  2. Oh by the way, if those Imperial Nurse Guards give you any lip, show them the colors of the Blood Raven Chapter. I'm sure that will tame their tongues! Remember who you are Force Commander Kratos. Long Live the Chapter!

    Avitus out.
